Monday, September 28, 2015


This event at the American Legion in Chapala Jalisco. Event was a fund raiser for the American Legion Auxiliary, Chapala Unit #7. Belinda was the chairman of the event. All of the hairdressers donated their time and labor. All money raised was to fund three of the charities that the Auxiliary give to. It was a great success, but there was a lot of work by Belinda and a lot of other volunteers who worked hard to make it a success.

Gene Kent and his spouse getting a haircut. Gene is a World War II Veteran. They are a lovely couple.

It was a lot of fun, there were 10 or more stylists working at a time.

The Volunteer stylists could not have been nice. Everyone pitched in.

Some finishing touches.


These are gals that Belinda works with at New Look Studio, They donated their tips to the charity as well as worked hard.

Talking shop with another stylist.

Giving some pointers.

Some pointers regarding skin care.

This Doctor came in and gave a talk to all of the Stylists as well as clients about skin Cancer and what to watch for when giving services to their clients. She was very informative, all enjoyed her talk.

This is the owner of New Look Studio. Belinda works with her on occasion and mentors some of the hairdressers at her shop. She is a nice lady and a good friend.

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