Monday, February 25, 2013

My birthday Feb. 20, out to dinner at Cafe Flores in La Manzanilla with Pricilla and Glenn.

An evening view from our motor home patio.

View from the front of our motor home.

A nice evening with the moon coming up just behind the palm tree.

Home sweet home for a few more days.

Want to rent a cabana. They are really funky and cool.

Notice the stairway behind us. To the loft bedroom.

Very cool, a window opens the end of the cabana out to the ocean breeze.

Pull the rope and the whole end of the loft opens.

This would be a nice place to spend a couple of peaceful  days.

We were invited to Bud and Judy's beautiful home, rite on the beach.

This home has spectacular views , with a cool ocean breeze.

Another direction from Bud and Judy's home.

Only a few more of these happy hours left for this year. We head home on March 3

A nice sunset at happy hour.

A big wedding just down the beach from us.

This was a big affair, rite on the beach.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

This picture was taken at  LaVena restaurant near Blue Bay Resort. These people are our friends, neighbors, and acquaintances from the beach and campground. Also there will be pictures from Freddie's restaurant as well as our latest fishing trip. This was all over a three day period. We have been busy.

More friends at LaVena. Belinda was the cruise director and arranged everything.

Our neighbors Sid and John were down from El Parque, this is the beach at LaVena.

The beach and sailboats in the bay near Blue Bay.

Sid and John, they also voted. Freddie's shrimp cocktail is the best in the world.

Another fishing trip today, Feb. 19th It was kind of rough to start so I didn't get too many pictures, lots of splashing.

Glenn fighting a very nice Dorado.

The Dorado spent a lot of time jumping out of the water, very exciting.

Worn out taking a break.

Tuna I pulled in. We are eating tuna tonight.

Three nice fish for the day. It was a very good day.

Boat Captain Jerry filleting a nice Dorado that Glenn pulled in. No fish sticks tonight.

I am ready to go fishing again, but we are going home in two weeks. Well, we only live 5 hrs. away, maybe sometime this spring.

Monday, February 18, 2013

On our way out for another day of fishing. We entered a fishing tournament for this day. There were 59 boats entered, it sure was a nice day and a lot of fun. Very exciting to see and be part of everyone scrambling to get out of the harbor at the same time.

Our boat Captain's son went along. Not too alert at 7 AM.

All lined up waiting for the starters order to say go.

This was very exciting, everyone jockeying for a better position.

And they are off!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Seemed like boats everywhere.

First fish, a nice Dorado

Not a morning kid.

Coco and Glenn , Glenn showing off his new hair.

Isn't he cute.

John fighting the next fish. It was a nice Marlin.

We were out in the shipping lane, a freighter in the background.

The fight went on for about 25 min. It gave John quite a struggle.

Unfortunately, we did not get good pictures of the Marlin, you can see the head sticking out of the fish box, it wouldn't fit. When we got in, it was already being carved up before we could take pictures. Estimated weight somewhere around 85 lbs.

Some of the winners. Ours was not quite big enough, but we got a hell of a lot of fish in the freezer now.

Well,, only the tail.
John after he pulled in the fish, he was worn out and sweaty.

Freighter passed fairly close to us.

After the weigh in there was a celebration, with a loud banda, beer, and they fed us cerveche.

Amegos, also neighbors at El Parque where we live.