Thursday, March 29, 2012

I have not blogged for quite some time. The following pictures are from the past two weeks. We are now packed up and have returned home to Chapala. I will post some pictures from home in the near future. This guy was harvesting coconuts from the palm trees behind our motorhome.  Notice his climbing boots.

These guys were getting ready to go kite surfing from the beach in front of our motor home. It has been quite windy and I guess it is perfect for this sport.

And there thy go.

It's amazing how fast they get going and they will jump waves coming 10 to 15 feet out of the water.

I went fishing again, the tuna have been biting about 25 miles out, we started out there but had to turn back. It has been windy and it really blew that day. We didn't give up but came in and fished around the rocks near Tamarindo. We cought 30 Cosineros. They are not too big but we had fun, and they are good eating. We had lots of action.

This is our boat Captain  Jerry cleaning the catch.

We were trolling 3 baits on a line, and sometimes we got two at a time.

We went  to Manzanillo to visit with Dona and Michael and their friends. This is the view from their patio.

Michael and Dona and their friends form San Antonio, Tx.

This is taken form the restaurant La Vena, a small restaurant near Blue Bay resort

Restaurant La Vena

Taken from the Albatross Bar in Melaque, it was cocktail hour.

The surf has been exceptionally big, these kids were skim boarding but I guess they even decided to sit it out.

At Albatross in Melaque with friends Ray and Pat.

Great entertainment during cocktail hour at the Albatross. Very good blues and jazz.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mary wanted us to give her bike to some kids that needed one, these are the kids, one of the little girls don't have a bike and she is thrilled to get one of her own. The others have bikes and now they can ride together. They are brother and sisters, the girls are twins.

They are a little small for the bike but they can ride it.

This little guy had to prove to everyone that he can ride the big bike too.

This was on our ride to go shopping in Manzanillo. This is advertising Mexican style.

Michael and I in front of a restaurant in Manzanillo. We met Michael and Dona for lunch after shopping for tires for the Motorhome. We will be replacing the tires before we leave Mexico.

We watched six ships enter and exit the port of Manzanillo while we were eating lunch. We had a really nice lunch of Pizza at a really good Italian restaurant. We needed a Pizza fix.

These are dancers in front of the Church in San Patricio Melaque on St. Patrick's day. We spent the evening on the square watching activities, fireworks, dancing, more fireworks, some Tequila, more fireworks Etc. Etc.

Yes, they did lite this baby up, sparks everywhere, and the crowd is very close. What the heck, what harm can a fee sparks and explosions do. It truly was a crazy St. Patrick's day.

Of course it wouldn't be complete without these guys putting on a fire show swinging these kerosene rags on the end of a chain. Really it was great to look at but perhaps a little dangerous.

Dancing horses, this beautiful horse was so well trained that he could keep time with the music that was being played by a really loud banda.

More kerosene rags.

At 11 PM they lit up the fireworks tree, it was so bright that it was difficult to take pictures.

Of course they had normal fireworks like those in the U.S. but what was different about these is that they are set off very close to the crowd and go off directly overhead. A spectacular sight and very loud boom that shook the ground.

More fireworks.

This is a candy vendor, YES we did buy some.

Dancing in the square to the music of the Banda.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Some things we did in the past week. We took a water Taxi over to a restaurant on the Island near Grand Bay. This picture in on the Dock at Barra De Navidad. These guys were cleaning the catch from a charter boat that come in earlier. The Tuna are biting, they also had one Dorado. A very good day of fishing.

Paddling on surf boards near the restaurant.

When we got to the restaurant there was another boat in with another good catch of Tuna. They had 18. We are planning to go out Friday, hope they are still biting.

Gordon and I had to try a plate of raw oysters. They were good.

A few boats in the harbor at Grand Bay Hotel.

Sailboats anchored in the bay. This was on our water Taxi ride back to Barra

These kids were having fun and showing off a little. This is rite in front of our motor home.

This guy can get very annoying, it makes a lot of noise and once you have seen it that is enough.

The little show off, he was having fun.

We are in the same campground but moved a little closer to the bungalow buildings. 

This is skim boarding, there was a big contest this weekend, it went on for three days and took place rite in front of the campground.

There was a full moon so the tide was high and the waves were good.

There were a lot of participants.

You can see down the beach further was a tent with the headquarters.

How many can safely ride an ATV.

Friday, March 9, 2012

It's been a long time since I added to the blog, I could say that we have been so busy that I just haven't had time but that would be a lie. I have been just too lazy. I've read five books in the past two months, that's more  than the past two years. We are still bicycling three days a week and really enjoying that. Have done some maintenance on the motor home and have a little more painting to do. We will head home on April 1st and stay there for three weeks and then go up to Harlingen Tx. for a month or so.
We went to Bigotes restaurant in Melaque for  happy hour one day, these guys were enjoying a soccer game on the beach.
We went to Fredi's restaurant again for the best shrimp cocktail in the world.
This is Blue Bay, we found a little restaurant that we can get to very close to Blue Bay Resort. Just have to tell the Security that we are going to the restaurant.

This is Blue Bay, on the road going to the restaurant.

A visitor in the lagoon behind our motor home.

This is our friends from Indiana, they were on a trip to Puerta Villarta, we drove up to see them and make a Costco stop.

The Disney cruise ship was in the port in Puerta Villarta

They have a lot of statues in Mexico, this is one of my favorite.

On the road between Melaque and Puerta Villarta 

They are building new beach palapa's in front of our campground, notice the safety euipment.

A hard working vendor on the beach.