Saturday, June 28, 2014


There is a railroad museum in Ely, NV. The Nevada Northern RR has a history dating back to 1880's. In 1984 the owners of the railroad who were also owners of the copper mine located in Ely closed the mine and shut down the railroad. The railroad was used to transport copper ore North about 100 miles to Winnamuca, NV to the main line railroad. The railroad was closed down, the doors locked and they just walked away. Everything was left in place, all of the office furniture was left behind, all of the tool were left in the railroad shop. There were still 7 steam engines as well as several diesel engines. The copper company took nothing. A deal was made with the copper company to turn the property into a museum. The city of Ely was deeded all of the property including all of the track rite of way and runs the museum with the help of the state of Nevada.

We were told we could walk anywhere in the shop we wanted. There are 3 full time shop people as well as many volunteers that work on the engines. They give train rides on the weekends. There are 7 steam engines with 3 of them working.

Was able to get up close and take a good look. This one was still hot from running that morning.

This railroad must have been savers. They were using this type when they closed the RR.

Now that is a snowplow.

This thing was sitting on the tracks outside. It looks like a snowplow.

Office still intact, most of the equipment dates before 1984 when the RR was closed down, but they had everything in storage and was used for the museum. Like I said, they must have been savers.

They left everything in the store room, even paper clips.

For some reason we drove out to the Ely Airport. Found out that these cloud formations are good for glider planes

And here one is. It cost $80.00 to get airborne, but with the conditions around Ely they can stay up for many hours. Apparently the conditions around Ely, NV are ideal for gliding. 

Strange looking clouds.

Downtown Ely, very old buildings.

We stopped at the American Legion in the afternoon for a beer. Very friendly people.

Then it was out to dinner to celebrate Belinda's Birthday. We had a great day touring around Ely, NV. Tomorrow morning we are off to Carson City, NV

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