Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rain Dance at El Parque, here is the rainmaker himself. We sure hope that this works. Getting in a professional rainmaker was expensive.

Everyone helps out, they say a lot of noise helps wake up the rain spirits.

No rain, so a little help from a garden hose and sprinkler.

The rainmaker got soaking wet.

Rain flute, I think.

Fun was had by all, new tile in the background.

Rainmakers little helper.

If those are push up coconuts, shouldn't he be wearing high heeled shoes.

Everyone got into the action, we really need rain.

Lois having fun.

What is she so happy about.

Dance lessons, I think! Or Not!

There was a DJ with nice music.

YMCA, I think they were having trouble with their letters.

I think this is Y

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