Tuesday, February 19, 2013

This picture was taken at  LaVena restaurant near Blue Bay Resort. These people are our friends, neighbors, and acquaintances from the beach and campground. Also there will be pictures from Freddie's restaurant as well as our latest fishing trip. This was all over a three day period. We have been busy.

More friends at LaVena. Belinda was the cruise director and arranged everything.

Our neighbors Sid and John were down from El Parque, this is the beach at LaVena.

The beach and sailboats in the bay near Blue Bay.

Sid and John, they also voted. Freddie's shrimp cocktail is the best in the world.

Another fishing trip today, Feb. 19th It was kind of rough to start so I didn't get too many pictures, lots of splashing.

Glenn fighting a very nice Dorado.

The Dorado spent a lot of time jumping out of the water, very exciting.

Worn out taking a break.

Tuna I pulled in. We are eating tuna tonight.

Three nice fish for the day. It was a very good day.

Boat Captain Jerry filleting a nice Dorado that Glenn pulled in. No fish sticks tonight.

I am ready to go fishing again, but we are going home in two weeks. Well, we only live 5 hrs. away, maybe sometime this spring.

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