Tuesday, July 24, 2012

We are in Madison South Dakota, this is Lake Herman State Park. What a beautiful place. We have not blogged for quite some time because of our stolen laptop. We are back in business. Today we got our South Dakota drivers license. We are now official (legally) South Dakota residents, even got voter registration and signed up for absentee ballots for the Nov. election. This is a beautiful community and we feel that the SD hospitality has been over the top good.
Included in this blog is some pictures form July 4 at American Legion Post 7 Chapala.

This is looking across the street from where the motor home is parked at Lake Herman state park, Madison SD
The park is about 1 mi. from Madison SD.

This is our guard dog at El Parque, the guards put a little makeup on him. He looks happy.

Bernie and Lynn, ackin a little crazy, gotta love em. What good friends.

It was a grand party, we served about 140 dinners.

A good looking couple, Martha and Phil

Jim and Shelli, good neighbors at the Fourth of July celebration

A little beer and tequila will make anyone smile.

Enough said

Michael and Belinda cuttin up.

The blond is the U.S. consul General 2nd in charge from Guadalajara, with her are her assistants.

When we were in McAllen Tx. we went to a professional baseball game between the Edinburg Roadrunners and the Harlingen White Wings

They even had cheerleaders at the ballgame.

We went to Progresso one day, of course we can't go without a Margarita. That is our friend Marilyn ordering for all of us.

We went to a Mexican restaurant after the ballgame, they had Karaoke, it is hard to keep up.

A mural painted on the wall at the Mexican restaurant in Edinburg Tx. Of course we all know him, Vincente Fernandez

Very near the Oklahoma Kansas state line. It was 109 degrees that day. HOT!

Our nite lite.

We stopped in Wichita Ks. to visit Belinda's cousin's daughter. The family is from Encarnacion De Diaz Jalisco, but they have immigrated to the U.S. and live in Wichita

Belinda's cousin's wife, she is a hoot! That little girl is 2 yrs. old and the granddaughter, she is carrying a live chicken.

A really nice family, with a surprise around every corner.

This goose was another animal in their back yard, they are all pets.

Crossing the Missouri river at Yankton SD

Proof that we are in SD

It didn't take us long to find a watering hole in Madison SD, our new hometown.

Happy campers!

We really like this town, but I don't want to check it out in the winter. It really is a beautiful, clean, hospitable community.

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